Transfer textbook checkouts

You can perform several kinds of transfers on the Transfer Assigned Copies page. You can transfer all or some of the textbook checkouts for this class to another class of this teacher or to another teacher's class.

To transfer the checkouts

  1. Whether or not it is the same teacher, scan the teacher's barcode next to Transfer Class to.

    If you do not have the teacher's barcode at hand, you may have one or both of the following options:
    • Search the database by entering the teacher's first, middle, or last name, nickname, grade level, homeroom, user name, site name, a value in one of the User Defined fields, or a District ID.
      If you do not have the whole name or word, enter part of it, followed by *.
    • To speed the search, select the Only search check box and select the field from the list.
    Then, click Find Teacher.
    If a list appears, select the correct name.
  2. When the teacher's name appears, select the class from the Class list.
  3. To transfer all the textbook checkouts, click Transfer All.

    To transfer a particular student's checkouts, click Transfer next to the name of the student.
  4. Click Yes on the confirmation message.