Circulation Command Codes

Use circulation command codes to switch between Circulation functions with your scanner. When you scan a command barcode, an instruction is sent to Destiny to indicate the type of transaction being performed. Keep a printed copy at your circulation desk or with your portable handheld device.

You can scan these command codes in Destiny, or if you circulate offline with Follett Remote, on a workstation or Follett device.

Library and resource circulation command codes are also available on the Patron Barcode Labels report (Reports > Patron Reports > Patron Barcode Labels > Used sub-tab).

Tip: These same circulation command codes allow you to switch between the pages in Circulation with a scanner.

If you need to type in the circulation command codes

For the library:

  • %C123H for Check Out
  • %C127L for Check In

For resources:

  • %C121Q for Check Out to Patron
  • %C122R for Check Out to Location
  • %C120P for Check In

For textbooks:

  • %C125J for Check Out to Patron
  • %C124I for Check Out to Teacher

    (to an undefined class for a local teacher only)

  • %C126K for Check In